Meet The Mill: Norske Skog Bruck - Denmaur
Head Office: 01795 426775
Credit Control: 01795 432230
Sustainability: 01795 426775
Reel Fast: 01663 790330
Paper Sales (Sittingbourne): 01795 426775
Paper Sales (Bardon): 01530 275500
Paper Sales (Bescot): 01922 633333
Carton Board Sales: 01663 790330
Paper Management: 01795 426775

    Meet The Mill: Norske Skog Bruck

    The latest instalment of our Meet the Mill feature focuses on Norske Skog.

    First established in 1962 by Norwegian forest owners, over the years it expanded its footprint across Europe, Asia, South America and Australasia.

    Today, Norske Skog has consolidated into four European mills, including Bruck mill, in Austria.
