Paper: The Facts - Denmaur
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Sustainability: 01795 426775
Reel Fast: 01663 790330
Paper Sales (Sittingbourne): 01795 426775
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Carton Board Sales: 01663 790330
Paper Management: 01795 426775
  • Paper, and its use in print, is not harmful to the environment!

    Here are the facts...


    Paper is made from trees, a natural and renewable resource that absorbs atmospheric carbon emissions. This carbon is retained when converted into timber and timber derived products ... including paper!

    Paper accounts for less than 14% of the world's commercially harvested forestry. Paper comes from the top ⅓ to ¼ of a tree* in a commercial forest, whereas the main part of a harvested tree is converted to timber for use in construction and furniture manufacture.

    (* With the exception of Eucalyptus trees that grow tall and thin, reaching maturity within 10 - 12 years. Grown only in specific parts of the world, the entire Eucalyptus tree will be used for paper manufacture)

    Legal, Sustainable and Traceable

    Fresh fibre paper products are made from trees grown in sustainably managed forests, certified to the FSC® or PEFC standards. This means that (i) forests are managed with respect to audited environmental, social and economic standards, and (ii) trees are harvested legally, sustainably and with full traceability, through the Chain of Custody process, you can trace an FSC or PEFC certified paper back to its forestry origin and tree species!

    The UK Timber Regulations and EU Deforestation Regulations (2025) ensure that all paper products used throughout the UK and in the EU are made from legal sources that have not been subject to deforestation or degradation activities.

    Chain of Custody Process



    The carbon emissions associated with paper production are measured and recorded, providing an essential Scope 3 figure for carbon net zero reporting. The aggregated paper production carbon emissions are reducing year on year, achieved through efficiency improvements and the implementation of decarbonisation programmes and environmental legislation.

    Meanwhile, it is viable to offset the emissions of paper production through a valid carbon programme such as the World Land Trust's Carbon Balanced Paper scheme. The World Land Trust's scheme is based on REDD+ principles* - regenerating, conserving and protecting standing forestry that is also the habitat for important biodiversity and endangered wildlife.

    (* Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation. The '+' stands for additional sustainable management of forests and the enhancement of forest carbon stocks)


    Paper fibre can be recycled up to 10 times! 100% recycled paper grades, such as those in the Revive range, are made from post-consumer waste (used paper) for the production of everything from newspapers and magazine grades through to high white printing papers and packaging boards.

    The 2023 recycling rate for paper in the EU was 79.3% -

    Once paper fibre becomes too short for recycling into paper again, it has a commercial use as a soil improvement agent for use in agriculture and horticulture. So, what once came from the ground, eventually goes back into the ground - how circular is that!

  • Paper Facts in Numbers

  • Paper fibre can be recycled into new paper products...

  • 10


  • 9

    million tonnes

    CPI, 2023

  • ...of paper and cardboard are consumed annually in the UK

  • The European recycling rate for paper & board reached...

  • 79.3%

    Cepi, 2023

  • 62.2%

    Cepi, 2022

  • ...the volume of bio mass fuel used in European pulp & paper manufacture

  • The equivalent size of the growth of European forests every day between 2005 and 2020...

  • 1500

    football pitches
